
范文 小作文范文合辑(第一辑):http://www.ieltsbro.org/article/view/15 小作文范文合辑(第二辑):http://www.ieltsbro.org/article/view/16 【资料】流程图+地图等于洪水猛兽?NO!(附范文下载):


More and more companies are allowing employees to work from home. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereas in the past, old things were repaired and us

易世英语Part 1 新题

Boat Have you ever travelled by boat? Do you like boats? Would you like to have your own boat? Is boat trip popular in your country? Bus How often du you take the bus? When was the first time you took a bus? Is it convenient take the bus in

易世英语Part 2&3 新题

令人兴奋的书 Describe an exciting book you have read you should say: when you read it what type/kind of book it is what it is about why you read it/why it si exciting 重要的信 Describe an important letter you received you should sa

易世成都出国英语:Part 1 旧题

birthdays do people in China celebrate birthdays/have birthday parties? how do they/children celedren birthdays? are peoples birthdays very impotant China? do you think its important for people to celebrate birthdays? are birthdays more impo

易世成都出国英语Part 2&3 旧题

早到的经历 Descrilbe a time you need to arrive early you should say: when it was what time you arrived why you need to arrive early how you felt 有用的人 Descrilbe a helpful person in work or study you should say: who the person is


Do you like to watch films? Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films? How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie? Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film? What kinds of movies do you like best? What was the first f

易世名师点拨:Social network

What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use? Are you a social person? What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website? What kinds of chatti

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