在雅思口语Part 3中,问题从 根据生活经历回答问题 变成 对比较抽象的社会问题发表评论;也就是说,从比较P1、P2中较 Personal 的问题转移到更 General 的问题。所以由于这个原因,Part3成为真正测试考生英语语言能力和学术能力水平的部分,甚至说P3成为了口语能不能上7+的重要因素。

Part 3的问题分类有很多,可能会被问到类型有:

1.Agree or disagree with a statement

2.Evaluate or assess the importance of an action

3.Compare two items

4.Give a reason or explanation for a current phenomenon

5.Identify or describe a trend

6.Predit or speculate about future habits

7.Suggest a solution to a problems

8.Identify examples of something in your culture

是不是感觉这些问题有点像雅思作文。这是因为雅思作文也同样要求考生去分析一个社会性的问题,我们之前在 雅思写作中如何写出能充分支持论点的例子 中也强调过了,举例论证问题不能用个人例子,因为个体的经历不能说明是一个普遍的社会现象。

这也就意味着在口语Part 3回答中你不应该谈论你自己怎么样,不应该以个人经历为例子,但是你可以用自己的生活经验去引导你回答问题。举个例子,如果问题是 “What are some of the reasons why people travel abroad to study?” 你的回答是:

“Well, I want to better my chances of employment by getting a degree in another country.”
这个时候考官可能会打断你说 “Speak IN GENERAL”。这也是考过雅思的童鞋每次在说到I/My mom/My friend 这些字眼的时候就被突然打断的原因。那么上面一句话只要改成In GNNERAL TERMS就ok啦:

“Well, many people feel that they will have better chance of employment if they get a degree in another country.”

另外一个很重要的一点,雅思学术考试是测试考生是否有能力在国外的大学环境中学习;G类考试也同样,测试的是考生能否使用符合工作环境中的英文。想象一下做以后Presentation的样子,你的说话方式和平常和朋友方式肯定是要更正式,更学术的。 所以在Part 3的回答中,你的答案越“Academic”越好。举个例子,如果考官问你:“How can governments help people feel less lonley?”,一个还凑活的答案可能是:

“Well, they could start social clubs for people.”
这个回答确实是一个Relevant answer,但是这仅仅是一个Example,你需要去完善自己的答案,先给出一个观点,再用例子支撑观点 (和写作一样)。所以这个回答可以是:

“Well, I think the key is finding ways that will help people interact more on a day to day basis. For example, they could start social clubs for the elderly, or...”


In my opinion,

I firmly believe that...

From my perspective,

In my view,

As far as I’m concerned,

I‘m of the opinion that... etc.


I agree/disagree with the idea that

I'm in favour of/I’m against the idea...

I (don't) support the fact that...

I see where you're coming from and I would also like to say that/I see where you're coming from but,


I don't believe that something like that would happen, because...

It's highly unlikely that...

I highly doubt whether...

The probabilities of something like that taking place in the future are very slim.

It seems probable...

There is great likelihood that...


来自考官的 Part 3 Tips

1. 在你回答的过程中,考官已经听到了你的论点和想法。所以不需要在每个问题结束时总结你的观点,这是在浪费时间。

2. 很多教材上说p3的问题最好给出3个ideas,不需要!如果你只有两个,就说两个。与其试图“创造”第三个idea,不如给出对ideas的拓展。

3. 如果被考官打断,不要慌。这不是一件坏事情,在P3中,考官希望尽可能的去push发挥最好的英文水平。被打断的愿意可能是你的角度太Personal了;也可能是他们觉得你的回答已经比较充分,准备问下一个问题了;也可能是希望你能提供更多的细节。所以被打断不要慌,听清楚问题,尽你所能去回答就好啦。

